Effective Presentation Skills

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Anyone who has to prepare and deliver presentations.

Erreechten Niveau



1,00 Dag(Deeg)

9h - 17h

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • develop realistic communication objectives
  • profile an audience and assess the best way to approach them
  • structure a concise, interesting and persuasive presentation
  • design and use visual aids
  • use body language effectively in their presentations
  • use their voices effectively to give colour, meaning and presence to their presentations
  • handle questions effectively


Most significant opportunities in business life involve the ability to give effective, persuasive presentations. Even for the most naturally gifted speakers, the techniques involved in structuring and delivering a winning presentation are challenging. This course is designed to help participants become competent speakers, so that they can achieve their goals.

The first part of the course focuses on the skills required to produce great presentations.

The second part provides participants with the opportunity to practice their skills and assess their performance using videotaping.

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