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Do Adults Have the Skills They Need to Thrive in a Changing World?


Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden excel in all these areas, with significant proportions of their adult populations demonstrating advanced abilities. However, on average across OECD countries, 18% of adults do not even have the most basic levels of proficiency in any of the domains.

Thirty-one countries and economies participated in the 2023 Survey of Adult Skills. The survey, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), provides a comprehensive overview of adults' literacy, numeracy, and adaptive problem solving skills – skills that are fundamental for personal, economic, and societal development.

50 Points

Adults with highly educated parents outscored those with low-educated parents by 50 points in literacy.

11 percentage points

Individuals with high numeracy skills are 11 percentage points more likely to report very good or excellent health compared to those with low numeracy skills.


The share of adults using the internet rose from 76% in 2012 to 93% in 2023.

More information and full report

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