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L-DIH on Tour 2024

24.09 au 10.10.2024
Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub
in collaboration with the Digital Learning Hub (DLH)
Stops at eight different hosting facilities in various industrial zones in Luxembourg


+352 43 62 63 - 1

The 2024 L-DIH ON TOUR will provide key resources and tools to enhance production lines and upskill manufacturing executives and employees on all “shop floors”.

Since 2021, the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (L-DIH),managed by Luxinnovation, has organised the L-DIH ON TOUR initiative, which helps to accelerate the adoption of emerging technologies in the manufacturing ecosystem. It does this by bringing the resources required for the digital transformation closer to the manufacturers’ doorsteps.

This year’s edition, in collaboration with the Digital Learning Hub (DLH), highlights three essential pillars: technology, people, and skills and training. The aim is to equip manufacturing companies with the resources they need to incorporate Industry 4.0 technologies into their production lines and business processes while simultaneously developing the talents of its workforce.

Following the success of previous editions, the tour’s signature bright yellow bus will again make stops at eight different hosting facilities in various industrial zones in Luxembourg. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to visit three manufacturing companies in Saarland. The tour features in-depth presentations by the hosting companies, thematic workshops, factory, lab and technical school visits, and awareness sessions on L-DIH services to support businesses in their digital transformation.

The programme also provides an overview of relevant trainings and related L-DIH services available to increase digital skills in manufacturing, and practical solutions to real-world challenges faced by the industrial ecosystem. Each day will conclude with a networking cocktail or lunch to forge deeper connections fostering the community build-up among manufacturers and other actors.

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