Accounting for non-accountants

Betribsintern Formatioun

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  • Jurists and their employees
  • Tax specialists and their employees
  • Lawyers and their employees
  • Notaries and their employees
  • Internal auditors
  • Finance controllers
  • Beginners in accounting, accounting assistants and fiduciary staff willing to expand their knowledge of some specific accounting points

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4,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun

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  • Is your business directly or indirectly impacted by accounting?
  • Is accounting a main source of information having a direct impact on your decisions?

If so, it is essential for stakeholders and yourself to understand the main concepts of accounting in order to wisely use this data and understand its impact on your operations.

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • describe the basic principles of accounting;
  • identify the main valuation principles of various balance sheet items and their impacts on the annual accounts;
  • understand the accounting rules and methods for financing and investment instruments;
  • understand the annual accounts of a company.


  • The objective of accounting
  • Balance sheet and profit and loss accounts: their meaning
  • The major accounting policies/conventions
  • Some essential accounting classifications like:
    • debt versus equity
    • fixed versus current asset
    • balance sheet versus off balance sheet items
  • Approval process and electronic filing procedure

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

This training is coordinated by Damien Brunet, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

The training will be presented by experts in the accounting field.

Damien is a director in the alternative investment accounting and tax compliance departments at PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg. He has over 14 years of experience in accounting and tax. He is working for several industries, holding and financing companies, operational and industrial companies and private equity structures. He is a certified chartered accountant in Luxembourg and France.

His main tasks are the preparation and review of accounting and financial reports (annual accounts, GAAP conversion, monthly reports, CBL, etc.) and tax reporting (tac accounting, tax returns, withholding taxes returns, cbcr notifications, etc.).

He is the coordinator of the Accounting technical team of PwC Luxembourg where he is responsible, among others, of the Lux GAAP training courses at PwC’s Academy. Its main tasks consist in legal monitoring, analysing the accounting impact of complex transactions/restructuring, preparing accounting memorandums/opinions, preparing flash news and handbooks and giving clients accounting training.

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