Advanced Coaching Training and Certification Program - both ACC and PCC options

Blended learning

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

This training is for people from public or private sector who would like to enhance their coaching skills.

  • Managers
  • Business Professionals
  • Leaders
  • HR Professionals Managers
  • Sports Coaches
  • Project managers
  • Agile Coaches


128,00 Stonn(en)

equivalent to 16 days of coaching training

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


For people with no coaching training, there is a pre course to give a foundation for the program.


The purpose of this coaching training program is to advance coaching skills and targets the competencies needed to receive the ICF PCC Professional Coach Credential.

The skills developed will cover individual and team coaching competencies and the understanding of agile system dynamics.


We offer a structured approach and a tailor-made programme following the specific needs of the attendees. Our methodology consists of workshops, individual meetings, and tools that are used when coaching. The basis of our methodology comes from Individual/Systemic/Team coaching techniques and change management concepts,Agile System Dynamics and Agile Organization.

The coaching training and certification program will have the following phases.

  • Module 1: Deep dive into Individual Coaching at PCC Level – based on PCC Markers
  • Module 2: Deep dive into Team System Coaching based on the ICF Team Coaching Core Competencies
  • Module 3: Agile System Dynamics and a Systemic Approach to Agile Organizations.
  • Module 4: Mentor Coaching
  • Module 5: Supervision
  • Module 6: Peer to peer practice Play for coaching
  • Module 7: Putting it all together – Retreat 2.5 days in Lisbon, Portugal.

The program is broken down into 2 sections:

  • Part 1: Training period: covers a 4 month period and a final weekend retreat in Portugal
  • Part 2: Certification period: is a 8 month period that covers Mentor coaching, Supervision, peer to peer group review and the assessment to receive the confirmation that the coach has the PCC competencies.

This program is based on the ICF Core Competencies and is targeting the portfolio path to receive the PCC Credential. The program focuses on the main requirements to become an ICF PCC professional certified coach.

Curriculum focusing on the Core Competencies, Code of Conduct and Ethics of Coaching put in place by the International Coaches Federation.

Support during the certification period when you are working on your 100-500 hours of coaching which consist of the following:

  • Pod calls weekly basis discussing coaching cases
  • Feedback aimed at preparing participants for certification assessment
  • Critiquing coaching scenarios with an assessment guide linked to the core competencies.
  • Mentor coaching and supervision during the 6 months certification period creates a space for support and feedback. This includes support and feedback sessions, monthly mentoring/supervision that supports participants to achieve their goal of becoming a certified coach.n designed to create understanding of our differences and vast cultural diversity and see how we can use diversity to strengthen motivation and working together

Pedagogesch Methoden

Workshop design consists of practical work with feedback that builds confidence in using coaching skills with clients.


The course will be highly interactive and targeting a range of learning styles.

Certificat, Diplom

There will be an assessment and exam evaluating the coaching skills at the level of ICF Professional Certified Coach. The program will confirm the competency of ICF PCC.


On Demand:
  • The course can be tailored organizations
Trainer / Facilitator:
  • Virginia Anderson

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