Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Terrorist Financing

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

This course is dedicated explicitly to Directors and board members of investment funds in Luxembourg. It is also ideal for a Money Laundering Reporting Officer.

Erreechten Niveau



0,50 Dag(Deeg)

4 CPD hours

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun

ILA Online




No pre-requisite is required.


ILA is pleased to launch another session of its course on Anti-Money Laundering and Counterterrorism Financing specifically dedicated to Fund Directors. This four-hour session aims to provide fund directors and board members with an understanding of their increasing role, responsibilities, and obligations in preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.

Thanks to their professional experience in the Investment Fund Industry, our experts will cover not only the fundamentals of the prevention of money laundering and the regulatory environment from a Luxembourg perspective but also how to deal in case of suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing.


  • Legal & Regulatory framework
  • AML Professional Obligations
  • Overview of AML Controls for Funds
  • Hot Topics
  • Indicators of ML/TF in the Fund Industry
  • Case Studies
  • FIU Report & Typologies

Pedagogesch Methoden

This updated training (May 20224) will be interactive and practical examples will enhance the learning.

Certificat, Diplom

A certificate of participation will be provided to participants who have fully attended the course.

Nächst Sessioun

Sprooch & Präis
ILA Online
EN 220,00€

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

8:45 AM - Registration & welcome coffee

9:00 AM - Introduction

9:10 AM

  • Overview of Anti-Money Laundering Legal & Regulatory Framework in Luxembourg
  • Overview of Anti-Money Laundering professional obligations
  • Overview of AML controls for UCI’s

11:00 AM - Coffee break

11:15 AM

  • Hot topics in the Investment Fund Industry for Board members and on the RR/RC roles and obligations
  • Detection of Money Laundering indicators
  • Luxembourg FIU Report and Statistics for Luxembourg
  • Operational issues and types of shortcomings identified by the regulator (CSSF) and by independent statutory auditors
  • Summary, Questions and Answers

13:00 PM - Closing

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