FR Comptabilité OPC - Opérations complexes en pratique Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Finanzprodukt 17.04.2025
EN MiFID II Certification (EN/FR) Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Bank - Droit Bankereglementatioun 01.01.2099
EN Anti Money Laundering (AML) - Bribery and Corruption E-Learning Bank Assurance - Risikomanagement Bank Assurance 01.01.2099
EN Private Equity - Fundamentals of Fund Set Up and Structuring Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Finanzprodukt 27.01.2025
EN Introduction to Back-Office Operations E-Learning Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Back office 01.01.2099