Bachelor en Dessin d'animation

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

  • People who want to be part of a creative field, constantly learning new tools, and skills;
  • People who have a passion for solving problems by tapping into their artistic talents and using computer skills;
  • People who have already acquired 60 ECTS at the BTS of Animation, Lycée des Arts et Métiers or an equivalent study programme or have 3+ years of professional experience in the field of Animation.

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Candidates for admission at the Computer Animation are required to hold:

  • 60 ECTS accredited by the BTS Dessin d’Animation (Lycée des Arts et Métiers, Luxembourg) or an equivalent study programme or 3+ years of professional experience in the field of Animation;
  • Oral and written skills in English or French.


The Bachelor in Animation is a 2-year curriculum designed by the University of Luxembourg Competence Centre and the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM) and hosted by the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE).

With the BTS Dessin d'Animation, the LAM has been offering a successful hands-on technical diploma in traditional and 2D digital animation for more than 25 years; on top of this strong traditional and 2D foundation, the Bachelor in Animation delivers an academic degree in 3D Computer Animation with strong emphasis on employability, entrepreneurship and artistic and technical skills.

The programme aims at giving the students the means to master the fundamentals in order to enter the animation industry in Luxembourg or on an international level. Theoretical courses are coupled with project-based learning modules taught by a roster of industry professionals with first-hand production and film-making experience in Animation.


This study programme is addressed to students that already have basic competences in Animation. Students are then only required to complete 4 semesters, namely from semester 3 to semester 6. Below you can find an overall description of each semester.

Semester 3: Introduction to 3D Computer Animation and consolidation of Visual Storytelling techniques

Semester 4: Mobility semester at a foreign university in a Computer Animation programme

Semester 5: Advanced techniques in 3D computer Animation and specialization in animation or modelling

Semester 6: Final project (demoreel), thesis and internship in an animation studio

About the Mobility Semester:

Takes place throughout the fourth semester (mandatory, some discharges are available, ask us for conditions);
Opportunity to continue studying at an international institution;
Broadens students' horizons, meet new people and explore new places;
A growing network of partner universities and schools is available to students (subject to availabilities of visiting school places);
ERASMUS subsidies are available to help students and sustain relocation costs during the mobility semester

Pedagogesch Methoden

  • Learn from industry professionals who work in animation studios;
  • Individualized learning experience;
  • Dedicated facilities and computer lab;
  • Take advantage of internship opportunities to prepare yourself to enter the animation industry.

Certificat, Diplom

Bachelor en Dessin d'animation (180 ECTS)