Building an effective team

Blended learning

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1,00 Dag(Deeg)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun




This highly experiential seminar is ideal for newly formed teams. It can also be adapted to meet the needs of existing teams looking to review and strengthen their performance. This seminar will equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage and participate in highly effective teamwork.

  • Understand what makes teams effective
  • Reflect on individual roles and preferences within your team
  • Build trust to foster interdependency
  • Clarify goals, roles, processes, responsibilities and communication guidelines
  • Plan for the return to the workplace


  • Naming your team’s mission and objectives
  • Identifying key characteristics and behaviors of effective teams
  • Understanding the team development process (forming, storming, norming, performing)
  • Understanding team role preferences (Belbin)
  • Recognizing, respecting and capitalizing on our differences
  • Balancing independence with interdependence
  • Building mutual trust
  • Clarifying goals and processes
  • Building clarity of roles and responsibilities using the ARCI matrix
  • Establishing team communication guidelines
  • Implementing the principles of effective team leadership
  • Spotting warning signals and bringing the team back on track
  • Transferring intentions into actions

Certificat, Diplom

Un certificat sera délivré à l'issue de la formation

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