Career guidance sessions (multiple sessions)

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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Erreechten Niveau



1,00 Dag(Deeg)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Pas de prérequis spécifiques, connaissance et utilisation des outils bureautiques souhaitée.


Are you looking for a new job? Would you like to improve your CV? Or are you exploring new career opportunities and looking to expand your network in the filed of IT? Then this group session is for you!


We offer the opportunity to women to get back into the job market by helping them set clear goals for their future digital careers.
With our informal session, we provide a safe space where you can freely ask questions, share your experiences, and receive guidance from fellow peers about various digital opportunities in Luxembourg, either through education or employment.

Behandelt Punkten

You will also meet like minded women which will help grow your network.
The objective is to support women to learn new digital skills and venture into the digital job market by providing guidance within the Luxembourg ecosystem.
Don’t miss these opportunities and take part in our Career Guidance sessions

Pedagogesch Methoden

  • En petits groupes.
  • Approche pratique, apprentissage par la pratique avec de nombreux exercices avec nos formateurs patients et expérimentés.


Pas de tests ou d'examens mais une réflexion personnelle sur les compétences développées pendant la formation.

Certificat, Diplom

Vous pourrez recevoir un certificat de participation si vous assistez à la formation sur toute sa durée.

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