English - Conversation (LA-EN-17 2024/2025)

Ausserschoulesch Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences


39,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Niveau du cours A2-B1 (+), prérequis min. niveau A1, explications lux-fr-all si besoin


Conversational fluency, confidence, comprehension, use of English grammar, vocabulary development.
Practice in pronunciation and intonation.
Theme based.


  • Compréhension orale:
    • Understanding questions, language of the news and everyday situations, a radio programme or a presentation on topics as listed under "expression orale".
  • Compréhension écrite:
    • Short articles about current affairs or topics of general interest. Instructions
  • Expression orale:
    • Sharing information, discussing topics related to personal interests, role play;Expressing feelings, wishes, answering questions, describing events, etc. (news, current events, traval, education, health, shopping, eating out, fashion, crime, psychology or other depending on the needs of the group
  • Expression écrite:
    • short writing assignments or grammar practice depending on the needs of the group

Certificat, Diplom

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition : 70% de taux de participation)


Les inscriptions et les demandes d'informations s'effectuent directement auprès de l'organisateur qui délivre la formation.

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