French/Français C2

Betribsiwwergräifend a betribsintern Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Anyone with the desire to improve their language skills

Erreechten Niveau

CECRL - Niveau C2


8,00 Woch(en)

90 mins, 2x/Week (15x90mins)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun

Den Inhalt vun dëser Säit ass net op Lëtzebuergesch verfügbar


An oral placement test is made either in person or through the phone. This test defines the students current level.


  • To improve the language comprehension
  • To develop the ability of expression
  • To increase the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
Akzeptéiert wgl. d' Gestioun vun de Cookien fir dëse Video ze suivéieren.


  • Express yourself without much obvious searching expressions.
  • Use language correctly in all kind of situations
  • Excellent knowledge of grammar

Pedagogesch Methoden

  • Focus on speaking skills
  • Grammar taught inductively
  • Balance between accuracy and fluency practice


Oral and written test

Certificat, Diplom

Certificat Berlitz et certificat de participation


Groups of minimum 4 and maximum 8 people. Course also available for individual classes.

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