Generating traffic for your website (C4023)

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Entry level digital communication professionals, Webmasters and anyone wishing to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or generate more traffic for their web site.


23,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


None. However it is recommended to complete the module "The basics of digital communication" (C4026E) prior to enroling to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


  • Understand the basic rules of SEO.
  • Master the main SEO criteria.
  • Assess the SEO performance of a page or site.
  • Use basic SEO tools.
  • Understand how paid search programs are working.
  • Improve the visibility or traffic of a page or site.


  • Generating traffic for your site: for what reasons? How do you measure it? How do you analyze it?
  • Web traffic vectors: search engines, social networks, site referents, direct visits...

Be able to analyze site statistics.

  • Understanding how Google works: indexing, ranking, criteria, penalties...
  • Understanding how Google works: off-site - on-site criteria, SERP, personalization of results...

Location, images, videos

  • Defining your SEO strategy:

Editorial referencing, exchange of links, directories...

  • How to choose good key words; methods & tools.
  • Practical exercises: Auditing web pages with online tools.

Search for keywords. Analyze trends.

  • Practice Exercise: Writing Using SEO Tools.
  • Paid advertising: understand how Adwords works.

How to launch a paid advertising campaign.

  • Practical exercise: define a traffic generation strategy for a web site.

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