FR Crédits aux entreprises - Fondamentaux Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Bankeservice - Bankkredit 06.06.2025
EN Sustainable Finance - The Case of Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds and ESG Funds (advanced) Blended-Learning Bank Assurance - Bank - Bankeservice - Verméigensverwaltung 04.12.2024
FR Organismes de placement collectif (OPC) - Approfondissement Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Finanzprodukt 01.01.2099
EN IDD Implementation in Luxembourg Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Assurance - Versécherungsrecht 01.01.2099
FR Solvency II - L'essentiel des impacts comptables Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Risikomanagement Bank Assurance 01.01.2099