How to say it, the art to communicate with Process Communication Model

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

  • Team Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Anyone who wants to improve communication
  • Anyone who wishes to get to know each other better

Erreechten Niveau



3,00 Dag(Deeg)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun




Knowing how to communicate, knowing how to understand and being understood is essential in relationships with others, whether with family, friends or in professional life. The Process Communication tools presented in this training offer a precious help to anyone wishing to improve their communication skills. The six personality types, a key concept of Process Communication, help to understand why we are not all "wired" in the same way and thus avoid situations of "miscommunication".

The Process Communication® model offers a unique and validated approach to understanding the intra-personal mechanisms of "Emotional Intelligence" and the relational mechanisms of "Social Intelligence", allowing us to master, at the same time, the components of our personality in terms of characteristics, motivation and stress, as well as our relational skills.

It is a practical approach that facilitates communication and allows us to speak the same language as our interlocutor. It not only gives keys to motivate employees but also helps to identify their behaviour under stress and find the right behaviour to manage these moments. Process com can become a real source of well-being within teams. This approach also allows to understand one's own functioning and to set up a personal development work.

The objectives of this training are

  • To develop a caring approach through a better understanding of oneself and others
  • Strengthen its communication and develop its influence
  • Anticipate and manage behaviours under stress to restore effective communication in tense situations
  • Develop the ability to regain energy and well-being


Step 1: Process Com questionnaire

Before the seminar, the participant will receive a link to access the questionnaire.

Step 2: 3 days in-person training

  • Discover the 6 personality types and the basic concepts of the model
  • Learn how to "detect" the PCM® profile of the person you are speaking to.
  • Practicing the basics of active listening
Day 2:
  • Using communication channels
  • Develop influence and flexibility in interactions and especially in various communication situations (meetings, interviews, negotiations, etc.).
  • Learn how to motivate your interlocutors/collaborators
Day 3: Managing behaviors under stress:
  • Identifying behaviors under stress and practicing how to manage them
  • Learn how to communicate appropriately when dealing with a person under stress.
  • Re-establish a constructive and caring relationship

In the case where this training is offered by distance learning, it is done in 6 half days following the same official program.

Pedagogesch Methoden

The aim of this training is first to live the experience in order to anchor the learning and then to nourish the cognitive:

  • Theory 30% / Practice 70%.
  • Online Videos
  • Practical exercises
  • Personal action plan


The knowledge is validated throughout the training by practical exercises.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

This 3-day training meets all the requirements necessary to obtain the Process Communication Coach, Recruiter and Trainer certification. For more information, please contact us.

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