EN MiFID II - Derivatives (EN) Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Droit Bankereglementatioun 19.03.2025
EN Compliance in Funds - Introduction to the Rules of Conduct and Management Companies/AIFMs Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Risikomanagement Bank Assurance 23.01.2025
FR Comptabilité OPC - Maîtriser le calcul et le contrôle des commissions de performance Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart 07.05.2025
EN Risk Management - Workshop on Risk Management for Banks Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Risikomanagement Bank Assurance 20.01.2025
EN REIF Fundamentals - Understanding the Commercial Design of Real Estate Investment Products Blended-Learning Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart 18.03.2025