Interviewing skills

Blended learning

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

HR specialists, quality managers, auditors, purchasers and line managers.

Erreechten Niveau



1,00 Dag(Deeg)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Interviewing skills support your decision making through uncovering and gathering information. This seminar uses role-plays, real-plays and feedback to develop proven interviewing techniques you can use in your workplace. This experiential seminar is designed for all professionals who need to sharpen their interviewing skills. Participants can come from such diverse areas as HR specialists, quality managers, auditors, purchasers and line managers.

  • Internalize the 10 golden rules for successful interviewing.
  • Review and reinforce proven interviewing techniques.
  • Build up a toolbox of essential interviewing language.
  • Gain an understanding of the impact culture plays on the interview process and outcome.
  • Transfer best-practice into your current interviewing environment.


  • Understanding the importance of an interviewer’s behavior.
  • Identifying model characteristics of an effective interviewer.
  • Appreciating the influence cultural differences can have on the interview process.
  • Facilitating the interview process.
  • Planning for success - implementing a preparation guideline.
  • Building rapport.
  • Identifying and exploiting different types of questions.
  • Appreciating the skill of listening.
  • Overcoming blocks to effective listening.
  • Evaluating verbal and non-verbal behavior.
  • Drilling down, looping, closing.
  • Testing understanding.
  • Recognizing indicators of deception, stalling and smoke screen.
  • Applying documentation techniques.
  • Putting it into practice with critical incident analysis.

Certificat, Diplom

A certificate will be delivered after the session

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