Introduction to Blockchain Programming

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Any participant willing to learn the programming of smart contracts can be part of this course.


15,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


It is recommended that participants should have some basic knowledge of any programming language.


  • Understanding the main concepts of the Blockchain technology
  • Understanding the Blockchain security aspects and consensus mechanism (algorithms)
  • Understanding Smart Contract programming language primitives, deployment environment
  • Understanding Web3 components and methods
  • Designing and deployment of Decentralized application (Dapp)
  • Explain the functional components of Blockchain and their interactions
  • Explain the fundamentals of Blockchain cryptography and consensus mechanism (algorithms)
  • Understanding asynchronous aspects of blockchain and the way to program it
  • Deploy and handle a basic Blockchain infrastructure
  • Use the Solidity language to program in the Ethereum environment
  • Understand Solidity programming primitives
  • Design and develop smart contracts for general purpose
  • Design and develop smart contracts for tokens and digital assets


The course gives a broad introduction to Blockchain principles and programming and guides the participants through a first hands-onBlockchain and decentralized application programming experience in the Ethereum Blockchain environment. The objective of this course is to give participants practical knowledge of blockchain main concepts, including programming of the smart contract, Web3 methods, and developing decentralized applications (Dapp). In this course, the concept "learning by doing" is applied. At the end of the course, the participant will have acquired a foundational understanding of Blockchain programming.

Certificat, Diplom

DLH Certificate of Participation

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

To achieve the best result possible and continuously monitor knowledge acquired during this course, three different series of assignments are organized:

  • Assignment 1: Conceptual understanding of blockchain, consensus, and smart contract
  • Assignment 2: Creating smart contracts by using different programming primitives
  • Assignment 3: Definition and creation of basic Dapp (Web3 application)

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Informatik - Analys Programmatioun - Programmatioun - Mobil App-Programmatioun