Executives and entrepreneurs from any background or industry whose goal is to make better decisions in their personal and professional lives. Leaders that want to build effective teams and decision processes. Decision-makers that want to make better use of data. Ether you are a business unit head, a director or an executive. Participants from all functional areas and all industries are welcome.
Organizations make hundreds of decisions each day. To improve decision quality, organizations store and analyze vast amounts of data. Nevertheless, many executives say their data analytics initiatives produce disappointing results. It doesn’t have to be this way. Data alone is no guarantee for making successful decisions.
The objectives of the course are the following:
This module will introduce the psychology of human judgment and decision-making. We will focus on understanding when and why decision-makers in markets and firms make rational or irrational decisions. The emphasis is on the underlying psychological processes and their consequences. The emphasis is on the underlying psychological processes and their consequences. For example, we will study questions such as these:
Upon completion of the program, receive a certificate to add to your CV and LinkedIn profile.
Ivo Vlaev joined Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, as a professor of Behavioural Science in 2014. Professor Vlaev received his doctorate (D.Phil.) in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford. He was formerly a Research Fellow at University College London and a Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences at Imperial College London. He has a track record of research in cognitive science and behavioural economics, which is published in peer-reviewed academic journals, book chapters and government reports.