Let Creative Ideas Emerge (S-EL0043)


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0,40 Stonn(en)

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You can't force yourself to be creative, but you can encourage the emergence of new ideas by adopting the right mindset and mastering strategies that encourage creativity. This course will guide you throughout the process. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • use reproducible strategies to establish an environment that encourages creativity in all circumstances.


Programme :

  • Three strategies for stimulating creativity.
  • Boost your own creativity.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Important note regarding your personal data

When accessing the e-learning platform via Moodle-LLLC, you will first need to update your user profile with the desired configuration.

If you do not want your name and/or email address to be visible to other learners, you then have the possibility to

  • replace your name with an Alias of your choice in the corresponding field and/or
  • completely hide your email address from the other users. This configuration can be made by accessing the settings in your user area.

The detailed procedure (step by step) for adapting the configuration will be continuously available in your Moodle-LLLC area, which you will have access to once you registered for the e-learning course.

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