Maximize your credibility with engaging storytelling

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3,25 Stonn(en)

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Nächst Sessioun


  • Pick and research the best topics and stories
  • Craft the most effective – and credible – story
  • Boost the marketing potential of their content
  • Maximize credibility with their audience through engaging storytelling


In this age of information overload, it’s a challenge to stand out from the competition. Crafting an effective story can pay you back in multiple ways, maximizing your credibility by bringing you new clients, impressing existing clients, and showcasing your industry expertise and thought leadership. Participants will be led on the "hero’s journey" to discover how to leverage the massive power of an engaging story. This workshop will look at multimedia real-world examples, consumer trends and – crucially – specific content marketing elements and strategies that can help literally any business to improve its ROI. With the flood of useless digital information at an all-time high, businesses are desperate for content that is accurate, reliable and, most importantly, credible. Join us to discover journalists’ secrets to crafting an effective story as we explore how to pick, research and tell your story in order to improve conversion rates, lead generation – and especially sales.

Experts: Pierre-Yves Lanneau Saint Léger and Ethan Schrieberg, VitalBriefing

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/or digital media published by Maison Moderne.

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