Operational risk essentials (e-learning)


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  • Banks - AWM clients
  • Chief Risk Officers (CROs)
  • Risk managers
  • Operational risk managers and analysts
  • Personnel and executives from the second line of defence

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1,00 Stonn(en)

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The increase of home-based working, the development of new technologies or the availability of large amount of data have caused sizeable impact on business processes and controls.

The operational risk landscape has changed and continues to evolve. The Basel Committee has reinforced the importance to have an appropriate and up to date operational risk framework in place with robust controls and monitoring processes. Operational risk is everywhere in any organisation as it is linked to processes, people, systems, or external events. We cannot avoid them all, but their impact can be reduced, if properly managed. If this is not the case, your organisation can suffer actual losses, damage its reputation, or face costly disruption.

At the end of the learning experience, the participants will be able to:

  • understand the different components of an operational risk framework
  • identify and assess key risks within their organisation
  • construct a risk and control self-assessment matrix


Mindful of the continuous flow of information and contradictory signals to which each of us is exposed, PwC’s Academy has designed a comprehensive digital solution to pave the learning experience to unravel more knowledge and skills.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

This training will be coordinated by Jean-Philippe Maes, Partner at PwC Luxembourg.

Jean-Philippe is a partner in PwC's Regulatory Compliance services. He leads the firm’s banking and PFS risk Advisory team and is the lead advisor for CRD/CRR topics.

He has over 15 years of experience in Basel III areas and has helped many banks, investment firms and management companies to implement Basel III and prepare for Basel IV. He has worked in most dimensions of risk management, from operational risk to internal models, encompassing reporting aspects (such as COREP/FINREP) and governance matters.

Lately, Jean-Philippe has been focusing on risk appetite frameworks and the management of non-financial risks such as climate, conduct or reputational risks.

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