Power BI Basics

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The training is suitable for all interested persons.

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7,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun




Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool from Microsoft that enables companies and administrations to easily analyse and visualise data and make well-founded decisions. In this basic seminar, participants will receive a comprehensive introduction to Power BI.


Introduction to Power BI

  • Overview of Business Intelligence and Power BI
  • Navigating the Power BI user interface

Importing and transforming data

  • Importing data from different sources
  • Introduction to Power Query
  • Data cleansing and transformation

Data visualisation

  • Creating reports and dashboards
  • Introduction to visualisation types (diagrams, maps, tables, etc.)
  • Formatting and customising visualisations
  • Working with slicers and filters

Interactive reports

  • Adding interactivity to reports
  • Drill-through and drill-down functions
  • Using tooltips and bookmarks
  • Dashboard design principles

Publishing and sharing

  • Publishing reports in Power BI Service

Pedagogesch Methoden

Practical exercises

Certificat, Diplom

Certificate of attendance CNFPC

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