Risk Management - Workshop on Risk Management for Funds

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

This training course has been designed for a broad audience, i.e. for anyone wishing to practice their knowledge acquired during the previous modules in Risk Management.


8,50 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun



An integral part of the House of Training/ALRiM Risk Management Certification Programme is a one-day workshop in which the participants apply the knowledge that they acquired during the programme.

This workshop will be followed by an assessment based on a personal presentation.

Prerequisite to attend this course:

  • Having attended all the risk management courses in the programme and having passed the corresponding exams.
  • This workshop is the last step in the programme, and a requirement to complete the certification.

The workshop includes a review of all the material covered in the programme and several exercises to be carried out in small groups. Each participant will be given a fictitious, but realistic risk event that could occur in a fund. The participants will analyse the risk and create a project to address it. The projects will be presented to a jury of risk experts, who will evaluate the participants’ presentations and assign marks to them.


Each project presentation will be structured as follows:

  • Project Description
  • Risk Description
    • Detailed Description of the Risk
    • Risk Factors and Causes
    • Actual and Potential Losses
  • Risk Resolution
    • Analysis of the Risk and Possible Causes
    • Strategy for Addressing the Risk
    • Concrete Steps to Address the Risk
    • Obstacles
  • Preventive Measures to Be Implemented


Each participant will be allotted 30 minutes to present his/her personal prepared project  to the jury and answer questions from the jury.

Nächst Sessioun

Sprooch & Präis


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