The Current State of the European Union - A decade after the Entry of the Treaty of Lisbon

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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Experts from national administrations and EU Institutions; practitioners from various EU-regulated policy fields; and lawyers, consultants, journalists and other professionals dealing with the European Union who want to enhance their understanding of how the recent developments in the EU will have an impact on their work.

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5,00 Dag(Deeg)

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The objective of the summer school is to provide national administrations, interest groups and practitioners affected by EU regulatory policy an enhanced understanding of how to work more effectively with the EU.

In essence, the course explores the tenets of the European Union and helps participants to understand the underlying political, social and economic dilemmas and evaluate European-level responses.


Sessions will be conducted by two experts providing a short presentation followed by facilitated panel discussions, allowing for the exchange of ideas and addressing issues of concern based on case studies, where participants will be especially encouraged to share their respective experiences.

The programme is divided into four modules:

Module I – Legal nature of the EU, institutional issues and decision-making as defined by the Treaty of Lisbon

As we would like you to gain maximum benefit from this course, irrespective of your level of knowledge on the European Union, we suggest that you enrol on the first module and take part in the thematic discussion of the institutional setting and decision-making procedures of the EU. You will also be invited to visit the Court of Justice of the European Union and familiarise yourself with the EU’s role in preserving the founding principles of the EU, such as the rule of law, democracy and the protection of fundamental rights.