Tools and methodology to develop employability

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3,25 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


  • To be able to reflect on your own employability
  • Have a concrete methodology to accurately assess the potential of present or future employees 
  • To contribute effectively to the development of each employees


The processus of change in which of our profesionnal world is engaged,spinge us to review our employability.

How to optimize the adequation between our skills profils and the function we occupy or would like to occupy?

What is the impact of our motivation and values of on carrer choices and our performance ? In order to provide concrete answers

We will propose that participants first go through CEB's OPQ32 Behavioral Competency Questionnaire.

Expert: Sonia Rucquoy, Alcor Executive

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/or digital media published by Maison Moderne.

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