The course takes place from 9 am to 5 pm at our campus.
This innovative program is taught by Jan Muhlfeit, former Chairman of Microsoft Europe, lecturer at Luxembourg School of Business and a regular speaker for the World Economic Forum, OECD, Harvard, INSEAD, Cambridge, and MIT.
The world is obsessed with weaknesses. Individuals, organizations, and even countries think that fixing faults and flaws is the only way to make it to the top. In the business arena especially, we’re caught up with the idea of changing ourselves to fit the ‘ideal’ profile of a first-class human being.
This preoccupation with weaknesses is the biggest illusion of our time and a huge waste of the most valuable resources we have as human beings - our unique strengths. In this unique course, former Chairman of Microsoft Europe, Jan Muhlfeit, demonstrates that sustained success and happiness as an individual comes from unlocking the full potential of our talents and doing what we love. After all, life is too short to slog away on the areas where we can, at best, only be average.
Building Strengths - The "Who".
Understand who you are. Identify and play to your strengths to release your full leadership potential. Nurture talent and build top teams by showing you care and by paying attention to what people are good at, not their shortcomings. Be authentic!
Personal Mission & Ultimate Vision - The "Why".
Your purpose is to add value to the world and be happy in the process. Strike out on your own meaningful mission by leveraging your unique strengths, values, and passions. Inspire and be inspired by setting your sights on the highest vision for you and your team…and perhaps even achieve the impossible.
Energy Management - The "How".
Manage energy (yours and other people’s) to achieve outstanding feats without running out of steam. Become a Chief Energy Officer (CEO) and set the right example to marshal the collective energy of those you lead. Avoid classic burnout by taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resources.
Success vs Happiness - The "Where".
Follow your heart instead of the rat race to the place where success and happiness are in balance. Happiness breeds success. By putting happiness first, you can learn strategies for positive living that bring meaningful rewards to you and your team, while also delivering bottom-line results. Help others and use your position of authority to make a difference in the world.
The participants will obtain a certificate from the Luxembourg School of Business. Our school is certified by the Ministry of Education as a lifelong learning organism and member of AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).