Accounting and Finance for Managers

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Managers with high level education outside accounting & finance (e.g. engineers, lawyers, doctors,...) who want to:

  • become more familiar with the tasks related to accounting and finance as well as budgeting and controlling,
  • more effectively manage their professional activity and business,
  • become more competent and self-confident in accounting and finance related issues,
  • ask the right questions when talking to other professionals (e.g. accountants, banks, …).


21,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Participants shall get acquainted with

  • the relevant terminology
  • the practical links between accounting, budgeting and controlling
  • the impact of their managerial decisions for their area of responsibility and for the bigger picture at company level
  • the importance of their personal contribution to budgeting, decision and controlling process
  • key performance indicators and dash boards (to be) used within their company


  • Balance sheet and P&L-account
    • what are the main objectives and principles behind different regulatory frameworks (e.g. LuxGAAP, IFRS,)
    • what are the different elements of an annual report?
    • what kind of information can / cannot be found in a balance sheet and in a P&L account?
    • how are assets and liabilities prized?
    • what are possible conclusions which may be drawn from a balance sheet and P&L account?
  • Ratios and key performance indicators
    • profit and result (e.g. EBIT, EBITDA, OCF)
    • assets & liabilities
    • solvency
    • liquidity
    • cash flow
    • ROI, ROE, ROX
    • productivity
  • Different levels of result
    • profit and loss
    • payments in and out
    • costs and income
  • Cost Management
    • optimizing cost? minimizing costs at any prize
    • which factors determine the framework for cost management?
    • different types of costs and how to influence them
    • where is the difference between costs and charges?
      • what do financial resources cost?
      • value adjustments: costs or charges?
      • economic risks: when to be considered?
  • Cost management as management tool
    • how to set cost related objectives
    • how to motivate staff
  • Cost centers
    • why cost centers?
    • how to define cost centers: some practical guidelines
  • Cost per unit
    • overview of calculation methods
  • Budgeting
    • external and internal factors to be respected
    • different steps of budgeting
    • how to determine amounts in the plan
    • some financial ratios
    • optimizing cost? minimizing costs at any prize
    • how to present and defend a budget plan (e.g. senior management, bank)
  • Case study

Certificat, Diplom

At the end of the training, the participants will receive a certificate of participation delivered by the House of Training.

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