Leadership Development Cycle

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Anyone who exercises a daily function as a middle manager

Erreechten Niveau



20,00 Stonn(en)

The course is divided into 6 training modules of 10-90 minutes each followed by coaching sessions. The planned pace and duration of the training course is based on our recommendations, but van be adapted to client availability.

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


The approach is based on six sessions comprising information sharing followed by individual coaching sessions.


  • Explore your personality
    • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
    • Increase professional career opportunities
  • Activate your leadership style
    • Understand the different leadership styles
    • Perfect your managerial strategies according to your style
  • Operate within your role profile
    • Understand your different role levels and the responsibilities associated with each role
  • Communicate effectively
    • Create a safe and dynamic environment
    • Optimise individual and team performance
  • Manage your team effectively
    • Increase productivity
    • Improve work/life balance
  • Look to the future
    • Plan future actions


The DISC Model

The DISC model is a model designed to identify human behaviour. It is easy to use, yet very precise. It helps to develop awareness of oneself and of others.

If several managers from the same organisation take part in this leadership cycle, they develop a greater awareness of themselves and of others, and optimise interactions thanks to a common language and framework of understanding.

Assessing the DISC profile gives a precise idea of each manager's behaviour at work and under pressure, enabling them to identify the elements that need to be adjusted to optimise their managerial approach and achieve the desired results.

Managerial development

Developing managerial skills and leadership presence is based on 3 main elements:

  • a good awareness of your personal operating methods
  • an excellent understanding of your own role as a manager
  • the development of key managerial practices

Individual coaching

Professional coaching can help you achieve or surpass your personal and/or professional objectives in a measurable and concrete way. During the coaching sessions, you will have the opportunity to discuss with the coach, in complete confidence, the elements and context in which you feel blocked.

The alternation between the two approaches (managerial development and coaching) will enable you to develop a combination of behavioural, emotional and communication skills through an individual approach tailored to each manager.

Training cycle:

  • Introduction to coaching and presentation of the DISC personality test
    • Understanding your DISC style
    • Understanding and analysing personalities
    • Adjusting managerial practices
    • Understanding and managing different DISC profiles in the workplace
  • Introduction to role profiles
    • The 7 role profiles (according to Q7 Leaders)
    • Gaining a better understanding your role in the organisation
  • Developing your leadership presence
    • What exactly is a leader?
    • Impact of a good leader
    • Leadership styles adapted to the DISC model
  • Communicating effectively as a manager
    • Why adapt your communication style?
    • How can you communicate effectively with other profiles?
  • Managing your team effectively
    • The 4 key managerial practices
  • Summing up and looking to the future
    • Reviewing progress
    • Planning continuous development

Pedagogesch Methoden

To facilitate the learning process, MindForest Group integrates transmissive and collaborative methods (practice, exercises, feedback), otherwise known as action learning, into its teaching approach.


A DISC self-assessment questionnaire will be used at the start of the training course in order to measure and understand individual requirements. A follow-up on the integration and application of the new behavioural models can be arranged

Certificat, Diplom

Attendance certificate

Kontakt fir dës Formatioun

Laurence Folz & Sophie Koyanagi

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