Managing in periods of uncertainty

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In a context of uncertainty:

  • Why is the manager so important?
  • How should you be dealing with and responding to resistance?
  • How should you support your team through the sense of emergency?
  • How should you react when faced with such uncertainty?


Any type of change leads to uncertainty with regards to the future, particularly when multiple changes occur continuously. They can lead to saturation, anxiety, fatigue, stress and a feeling of never having finished or never having achieved anything.

In this context of uncertainty, where outlining a vision becomes an even more complex task, giving managers a framework and the skills to guide their employees becomes essential. Indeed, managers play a critical role during periods of change, with research showing that they are the first people employees turn to in their attempts to understand how the changes will affect them personally. Despite this, managers often underestimate their role in the change or do not really know how to perform it. It is also important to give managers the skills they need in order to be able to overcome their own reluctances and proactively manage their teams.

Expert: Véronique di Maria, Nexum

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