Presenting with confidence in a virtual environment

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4,00 Stonn(en)

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Nächst Sessioun


Keep your audiences engaged, and focused on what you are saying. Presenting in a virtual environment is for anyone who needs to make presentations online. The training is delivered in three engaging 2-hour modules using online platforms e.g. Skype for Business, Webex Training Center, Adobe Connect. Each module is crammed full of practical advice, tips and personalized feedback.

  • Identify what you can transfer – and what you need to learn anew- when presenting online
  • Develop a fresh approach for planning your virtual presentations
  • Adapt how you build your visual aids for presenting virtually
  • Recognize typical challenges for presenting virtually – and develop practical solutions
  • Use effective techniques to keep your audience focused on you and your message
  • Grow in confidence when presenting virtually
  • Transfer the training back to your workplace with personal feedback


Planning and preparation

  • What can you transfer from your presenting experience?
  • Keeping the audience’s attention
  • Presenting online with a camera, and without
  • Building appropriate slides
  • Keeping it real – workarounds for having to present traditional slide decks online

Delivering with confidence

  • Identify classic delivery challenges when presenting virtually
  • The importance of body language even when they can’t see you
  • Making eye-contact in front of a camera
  • Bringing life and intimacy into your presentation through your voice
  • Presenting to a global audience – tips and tricks
  • Handling questions in virtual presentations

From knowing to doing

  • Design and deliver a presentation virtually
  • Valuable self-, peer- and trainer feedback
  • Transfer your skills to the workplace

Certificat, Diplom

A certificate will be delivered after the session

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