Yoga - Intermédiaire (SO-YOG-7 2024/2025)

Ausserschoulesch Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences

Erreechten Niveau



60,00 Unitéit(en) vu 50 Min.

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Hatha yoga:
Physical practice. A complex of physical exercises (asanas) aimed at maintaining and correcting health. The body becomes flexible, strong, enduring. During proper practices there is a revitalizing effect on all systems of the body. Energy practice promotes the correct movement and distribution of energy in the body, as well as balances and directs it, harmonizing the male and female, combining them in themselves (Yin and Yang).
Spiritual practice is the harmony and elevation of energies through the chakras, spiritual realization occurs.
Mental practice is responsible for meditations, mantras, philosophy. Cleanses and helps to control one's mind.
Ashtanga Vinyasa
Dynamic practice. The practitioner performs a strictly defined sequence of asanas. Features of breathing, body locks, points of concentration (drishti). Ashtanga Vinyasa practice is like meditation in motion, develops self-confidence, calmness and unidirectionality of mind, develops discipline and will.
Practices help to synchronize movements with breathing and apply energy locks (leads to internal cleansing and rejuvenation of the body) removes toxins.
Pranoyamas - breathing exercises: several techniques of breath holding. Stretch parterre - stretching of all muscles and joints, relaxation of the whole body, understanding and feeling of your body and the possibility of self-help, with pain in various places, tightness and locks of various types, helps to become the body more plastic and mobile.


Les détails du contenu sont disponibles auprès de l'organisateur.

Certificat, Diplom

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition : 70% de taux de participation)


Les inscriptions s'effectuent uniquement en ligne.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Necessary material: mat and proper yoga sport clothes

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