FR Crédit immobilier - Les obligations de formation suite à la loi du 23 décembre 2016 (Directive MCD) Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Bank - Bankeservice - Bankkredit - Immobiliekredit 01.01.2099
EN Back-Office - Custody Operations Blended-Learning Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Back office 01.01.2099
FR Assurances au Luxembourg - Formation LPS (parcours certifiant) Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Assurance 01.01.2099
EN Back-Office - Securities Clearing and Settlement Op Ufro Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Back office 01.01.2099
EN Hedge Funds - Understanding the Specifics of Accounting and Custody Luxembourg Bank Assurance - Bank - Finanzmaart - Finanzprodukt 26.03.2025