Introduction to HR Administration and Management

Blended learning

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

Employees recently appointed to an HR function.

Erreechten Niveau



3,50 Stonn(en)


Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


This seminar enables participants to have a quick overview on basic elements of personnel administration and management.


1) General aspects

  • Sources of law
    • European directives, laws, grand-ducal regulations, collective agreements, employment contracts, etc.
  • The status of employees
    • Intellectual employees, manual employees, senior managers
  • Obligations of the employer

2) Main tasks of a human resources department

  • Personnel administration
    • Objectives of an efficient personnel administration
    • Personnel files
    • Management of contracts in relation to HR
    • Drawing up employment contracts
    • Formalities with the administrations
    • Reporting/ Statistics
  • Remuneration management
    • Calculation of salaries
    • Management of fringe benefits (company car, meal vouchers, etc.)
    • Management of the entire payroll
    • Create and manage the salary matrix
    • Job descriptions and staff appraisals
  • Recruitment and integration of new employees
    • Internal and external recruitment and application management
    • Selection of candidates
    • Onboarding and integration of new employees
  • Performance management
    • Performance matrix
    • Management of appraisal interviews
  • Training and development
    • Training plan
    • Human resources development: technical knowledge& social skills
  • Predictive management of jobs and skills
  • Internal communication
  • Social relations


No evaluation.

Certificat, Diplom

A certificate will be delivered to each participant.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

  • Number of participants is limited to 6.
  • Interactive and practical seminar.

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