Essencia Della, De Carvalho Fuentefria Melo Guerra Rute



Angebotene Weiterbildungsarten

Maßgeschneiderte Weiterbildung

Sonstige Tätigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Weiterbildung

Betreuung - Coaching, Erstausbildung

Aktiver Bereich

Luxemburg (Süden)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung


Über uns

Academy of aesthetics and well-being, the trainings are for beautician, hairdresser and barber for men and women, for beginners or professionals who want to improve or qualify in these areas.

We create a training that we believe is the most complete in the market to address the lack of qualified professionals in this area, we approach the concept in its entirety always starting with biosafety, and follow all the processes of a rigorous evaluation to ensure that we are delivering to the market excellent professionals

The modular division allows the student to choose the complete training or only one module if he so chooses, the content of this module will give the trainee the ability to be specialized technician and work focused only on that specialty.

The selected trainers are specialists in their area and are focused on delivering the best in their modules, I am Ruth the mentor of this daring project I have 19 years of experience and the time has come to transmit to those interested what these years of activity and the training to which I have been subjected have taught me.

Pädagogische Methoden

The academy proposes a complete training of aesthetics, hairdresser and barber based on practice, students make one module per month and are evaluated at each module, they learn and apply what they have learned in each module, has an integrated theoretical approach so that they can see what happens physiologically and anatomically when they perform the procedure, this way learning is fast and effective.

The student can perfectly perform module by module at the end of each one, being therefore certified and able to be included in the labor market. in all modules the Academy proposes to teach and help the integration in the labor market for 3 months, through the search for work with sending or delivering curriculum and personal presentation and also how to expose and or disseminate the content acquired through social networks, which are central which are central to the individual success of each, we call it personalized mentoring.


Handel, Verkauf, Horeca
Sonstige Dienstleistungen
Persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung
Persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung

Einige Zahlen

Beginn der Weiterbildungstätigkeit
Weiterbildungsstunden pro Jahr
Teilnehmer pro Jahr
Ständige(r) Weiterbildner

Kontaktdaten des Anbieters