Accounting for non-accountants (C2002)

Unternehmensübergreifende Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

Anyone wishing to read and to understand annual financial statements, to become familiar with the accounting vocabulary and to learn the accounting mechanisms (e.g. lawyers, legal counsels, store and retail managers, secretaries, etc.).


23,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung


Nächster Termin

Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion Luxembourg (ECG)






  • Get familiar with the accounting vocabulary and the legal and regulatory background.
  • Understand the accounting mechanisms.
  • Comprehend the logic links between the main documents: balance sheet, profit and loss accounts, accounting journals, account balance, etc.
  • Discover the accounting principles.
  • Understand the logic of amortisation, accounting provisions and booking value.
  • Acquire notions to assess balance sheets.
  • Read financial statements: balance sheet, profit and loss and notes to the accounts.


  • The participants discover the use of accounting through very simple every-day life examples. This course is focused on the assets and liabilities, and the understanding of the origins of the financing and the use thereof.
  • A more in-depth analysis of the balance sheet's assets and liabilities is proposed.
  • This course focuses on the accounting operations and their impact on the presentation of the financial information.
  • This session explores the definition of the accounts: the "T account" approach and the link between the balance sheet and the profit and loss.
  • The candidates learn about the accounting journal and its use through the booking of the different operations.
  • This lesson is centered on the concept of amortization: origins, use and the way it is booked (both in the balance sheet and the profit and loss).
  • This course is centered on the accruals: origins, types, use and the way it is booked (both in the balance sheet and the profit and loss).
  • The lesson is dedicated to the general accounting principles that are applied in the Luxembourgish accounting environment, and their practical aspects.
  • Through this session, the participants will learn how to read financial statements. The different parts will be explained and the focus will be the understanding of the document as a whole.
  • The last lesson proposes a recap of all the concepts studied during the course and focuses on the links between the booking of operations to the financial statements.

Nächster Termin

Sprache und Preis

Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion Luxembourg (ECG)
EN 180,00€

Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion Luxembourg (ECG)
EN 180,00€

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