Compliance officer duties (for ManCos): the essentials

Unternehmensinterne Weiterbildung

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Compliance officer of management companies

Erreichtes Niveau



2,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist nicht auf Deutsch verfügbar


As Chief Compliance Officer, member of the compliance function or conducting officer, or responsible for compliance within a management company, you are identified as a key function holder and part of the 2nd line of defence, and therefore a key component of the company's internal control framework.

Your tasks and responsibilities are broad and ever-growing in terms of the number of regulatory requirements to cover. That being said, it is key to have a clear view on what is expected from you from both a regulatory and internal perspective.

It is essential to position yourself in the organisation, knowing the reporting lines, the interaction with the different stakeholders, the tools and methodologies available to perform your day-to-day tasks and controls. This will allow you to focus on the business as usual activities in terms of performing controls and being the advisor for management and for your peers.

Due to our expertise concerning the tasks and responsibilities of the compliance functions, not only from a regulatory point of view, but also from a practical perspective, we would like to share our experience with you and to enable you to be ready for your day-to-day role.

Our training is focused on:

  • presenting the position of the compliance function within the internal control framework;
  • the roles and responsibilities of the compliance function within the organisation and its interactions with other functions;
  • main regulatory topics and areas with a focus on key controls;
  • presenting compliance tools and methodology.

At the end of this training, the participants will be able to:

  • understand their roles as compliance officers within the organisation;
  • have a comprehensive view on their day-to-day activities, including the main controls and tools;
  • build a compliance risk assessment and a compliance monitoring plan.


The training will cover the compliance duties around the following aspects:

  • Overview of the internal governance framework and the internal controls
  • Presentation of the main components of your role, responsibilities and interactions with the different stakeholders
  • A brief presentation of the compliance tools and methodology
  • The main regulatory topics covered by the function with examples of the key controls to be implemented

Zertifikat, Diplom

Certificat de présence

Zusätzliche Informationen

This training is coordinated by Nicole Schadeck, Director at PwC Luxembourg.

Nicole has over 15 years of experience in the fund and banking industry. Her projects have focused on process analysis, risk management, optimisation of the compliance risk management framework, investment eligibility analysis, understanding of complex derivatives and financial instruments.

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