DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business

Blended learning

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

This simulation is targeted at the following roles in an organization:

  • Management roles, both from business as IT.
  • Process Managers
  • Team Leads
  • NON IT employees

Erreichtes Niveau



4,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



No background knowledge or skills are required, though we recommend an interest in training and education.
This simulation is a perfect option to experience DevOps theory in a life realistic environment in which you can experiment and learn.


The Phoenix Project for Business offers a half day session, for teams of 5-8 participants.

This simulation covers the key aspects of DevOps and the DevOps journey in a very structured way. Especially for those who want to experience:

  • What is DevOps?
  • What can DevOps bring to my organization?
  • What is the consequence for my organization?


Business are demanding ever shorter release cycles for new applications. Traditionally ‘Operations’ is seen as a barrier with lengthy bureaucratic controls and delays in provisioning production systems. DevOps is a growing movement for shortening development and deployment and integrating Development and Operations. However this requires a mindset shift, new behaviors and a cultural shift in both Development and Operations. Traditionally suspicious of each other, they must now work closely together. Yet many companies are struggling to adopt and deploy DevOps and how to change the culture.

This simulation game is based upon the ‘The Phoenix Project’ which represents an IT enabled business transformation, with Retail Operations as the business owner of this project. The VP of IT Operations is asked to take the lead of the IT department and ensure that "The Phoenix Project" will be a success. But the VP of IT Operations is facing a tremendous amount of work such as huge backlogs of issues, features and projects.Y ou can be in Retail Operations, Human Resources or Finance – playing the business roles of the company or can be the VP of IT Operations or other members from his IT team that needs to develop the applications and solve the IT issues.

This simulation consists of 4 rounds. In each round the team will experience one or more aspects of DevOps:

Round 1: New way of working
Round 2: Visualization & Flow
Round 3: Value Streams
Round 4: Creating value

The session will be closed with a reflection of the lessons learned and follow up actions.

Pädagogische Methoden

Course Delivery: Online



Zertifikat, Diplom


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