French/Français B1

Unternehmensinterne und -übergreifende Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

Anyone with the desire to improve their language skills

Erreichtes Niveau

CECRL - Niveau B1


8,00 Woche(n)

90 mins, 2x/Week (15x90mins)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung

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An oral placement test is made either in person or through the phone. This test defines the students current level.


  • To improve the language comprehension
  • To develop the ability of expression
  • To increase the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
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  • Give coherent descriptions and reports
  • At ease in different situations
  • Write messages and emails
  • Modals, phrasal verbs

Pädagogische Methoden

  • Focus on speaking skills
  • Grammar taught inductively
  • Balance between accuracy and fluency practice


Oral and written test

Zertifikat, Diplom

Certificat Berlitz et certificat de participation


Groups of minimum 4 and maximum 8 people. Course also available for individual classes.

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