How to deal with your Double Materiality Assessment for financial services?

Unternehmensinterne Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

Financial services

Erreichtes Niveau



3,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung


Nächster Termin



615,00€ PROMO -10%


This training is designed to demystify the exercise of the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) for financial entities (bank, insurance, management companies) under Corporate Sustainability Reporiting Directive (CSRD).

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • understand the different steps of the DMA exercise
  • implement a high level roadmap for the DMA exercise
  • identify the key internal and external stakeholders
  • determine the key steps for mapping your value chain


  • The main concepts and requirements of the DMA value chain mapping
  • Impact materiality (stakeholders engagement process)
  • Financial materiality (climate risks identification, inclusion in entreprise risk management, role of assets and financed emissions)
  • Impact, risks and opportunities identification and scoring
  • Interpretation of the outcomes of the DMA (impact on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) applicability)

Nächster Termin

Sprache und Preis
EN 615,00€

Zusätzliche Informationen

This training is coordinated by Claire Cherpion, Director and Amra Sejtarija - Muharemovic, Senior Manager at PwC Luxembourg.

Claire is a risk assurance director at PwC Luxembourg.

With more than 17 years in auditing and advising, she supports large clients to demonstrate the robustness of their control environment and processes under the international standards such as ISAE 3000. She has developed a strong expertise in sustainability and climate reporting to advise or assess clients’ disclosures on non financial information. She is actively involved in PwC's CSRD/TCFD working groups. She is certified Cambridge business and climate change – Towards net zero emissions.

Amra is an ESG assurance and advisory specialist: She is senior manager working in the Risk Assurance services, focusing on EU ESG regulation requirements.

In recent years, she shifted her focus on ESG related topics specialising in CSRD/ESRS reporting requirements. She has also performed several readiness assessments regarding client's maturity towards CSRD/ESRS compliance and assurance reviews (ISAE 3000) assessing the compliance with GRI/SASB standards.?

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