Introduction to CBL reporting for financial companies

Unternehmensinterne Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

All practitioners involved in the preparation/review of CBL reports, either beginners or more experienced people willing to improve their knowledge on specific treatments.

Erreichtes Niveau



4,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung

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The Central Bank of Luxembourg (CBL) is in charge of collecting data and statistics from Luxembourg financial services and institutions. Along with the adoption of new rules in 2014, amending the CBL regulation of April 2011, many entities have to deliver a monthly report to the Central Bank of Luxembourg.

For the uninitiated, it may be complicated to navigate through the codifications and terminologies to be used. In order to fill-in and file accurate reports, mastering the above-mentioned rules are essential.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • better understand the background of the Central Bank of Luxembourg reporting obligation;
  • understand all the codes used for the classification, the accounting framework to be used or how to properly split the information in the trial balance to ensure a good reporting;
  • prepare CBL reports on a simple holding company.


  • Origin and objectives of CBL reports for financial companies
    • European framework
    • Luxembourg framework
  • Scope of CBL reports
    • Which financial companies are in the scope?
    • Exclusion rules
  • Focus on S.b.S and S.2.16 CBL reports
    • Security by Security report ("S.b.S")
    • S.2.16 report
  • Practical cases
    • Preparation of S.b.S
    • Preparation of S.2.16

Zertifikat, Diplom

An attendance certificate will be sent to participants.

Zusätzliche Informationen

This training is coordinated by Damien Brunet, Director and delivered by Grégory Beauchesne, Senior Manager at PwC Luxembourg.

Damien is a director in the alternative investment accounting and tax compliance departments at PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg. He has over 14 years of experience in accounting and tax. He is working for several industries, holding and financing companies, operational and industrial companies and private equity structures. He is a certified chartered accountant in Luxembourg and France.

His main tasks are the preparation and review of accounting and financial reports (annual accounts, GAAP conversion, monthly reports, CBL, etc.) and tax reporting (tac accounting, tax returns, withholding taxes returns, cbcr notifications, etc.).

He is the coordinator of the Accounting technical team of PwC Luxembourg where he is responsible, among others, of the Lux GAAP training courses at PwC’s Academy. Its main tasks consist in legal monitoring, analysing the accounting impact of complex transactions/restructuring, preparing accounting memorandums/opinions, preparing flash news and handbooks and giving clients accounting training.

Grégory is a senior manager in the tax management and accounting services department where he specialises in the preparation of financial statements and tax returns for international structures and operational companies.
Grégory is also member of the accounting technical team - Lux GAAP at PwC Luxembourg, where he deals on a day-to-day basis with accounting technical issues.

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