Luxembourg Labour law settlement agreements : how to secure the drafting of the provisions of a settlement agreement

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3,25 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



  • Learn about the Luxembourg legal framework regarding Labour law settlement agreements
  • Assess the impact of Luxembourg jurisdictions’ case law on practice
  • Identify sensitive settlement agreement’s provisions
  • Learn how to draft the provisions of a settlement agreement


Settlement agreements are legally binding contracts that waive definitively an Employee’s rights to make any claim to an employment jurisdiction.

A settlement agreement is a satisfying alternative to uncertain dispute resolution for the Employer and a quicker way to recover indemnities benefiting from tax and social security charges exemptions for the Employee. In order to ensure the validity of a settlement agreement and to avoid any difficulties regarding its execution, then the drafting must be rigorous and close all disputes. That is the aim of this workshop. This bearing in mind it is always worthwhile benefiting from professional advice to make certain that a dispute is definitively settled.

Experte:Maître Radia Duquennois, Avocat à la cour

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