Resilience in a VUCA world

Unternehmensübergreifende Weiterbildung

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Erreichtes Niveau



1,00 Tag(e)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



Resilience is a skill that can be learned – and as the world we work in can be volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous it is a skill we all increasingly need to develop. This training provides real-world solutions so that when you inevitably encounter challenges, setbacks and the truly unexpected you can bounce-back AND bounce forward!

  • Learning important techniques for building a base of resilience
  • Exploring healthy self-esteem and how to maintain it
  • Developing a process for maintaining a realistic and positive outlook
  • Planning for maintaining focus in challenging situations
  • Preparing for transferring skills and processes to the workplace


  • 6 tasks for developing a happiness mindset
  • The two pillars of healthy self-esteem and their application
  • A process approach to resilience
  • The purpose pyramid as a basis for focussing on what matters
  • The practice of focus in challenging situations
  • Personality and gaining energy – what works for YOU?
  • Exiting the valley- creating personal countermeasures for down times
  • Tapping into a wealth of online options
  • Transferring back to your workplace- – what, how, when and with who?

Zertifikat, Diplom

A certificate will be delivered after the session

Kontakt für diese Weiterbildung

Evelyne Ferreira

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