Structuring Alternative Investments in Luxembourg

Unternehmensübergreifende Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

The training will be targeted to Non-executive directors and people that would like to gain a clear understanding of the new hybrid mismatch rules and where these might be problematic in practice.

Erreichtes Niveau



12,00 Stunde(n)

12 CPD hours

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



No pre-requisite is required


This programme comprises a series of 4-modules which will provide participants with a 360' degree overview of the new tax environment in which Alternative Investments have to navigate.

The modules cover (i) the new tax rules that have been implemented in accordance with the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives (ATAD 1 & 2), (iii) substance requirements in the post-BEPS world, (iii) transfer pricing aspects and (iv) reporting obligations under the mandatory disclosure regime (DAC 6).


Module 1: Structuring alternative investments in the post-BEPS era

Module 2: Substance requirements

Module 3: Transfer pricing and related documentation

Module 4: The mandatory disclosure regime (DAC 6)

Pädagogische Methoden

The training will be very practical and provide participants with a clear guidance.

Zertifikat, Diplom

A certificate of participation will be provided to participants who have fully attended the course.

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