User Experience Impact on Digital Projects & Management

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3,25 Stunde(n)

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  • To understand what is User Experience,
  • To understand why we should start projects “UX-First” and learn to put the user at the core of it all,
  • To learn how UX improves overall project duration and budgeting.


User Experience (UX) is taking every field by storm especially in the Digital World. Unfortunately, people are throwing it out there thinking it means aesthetics or just a way to get their point across. Design may be part of User Experience but far from the cause; it’s much more about improving the relationship between the user and the product. This can be done with design, good layouts, emotional queues and many more.

Let’s start thinking user-first and cover why:

  • When we build specifications, we need developers, managers, users and designers – the moment we leave out a player we can start off on the wrong foot
  • Users need to be diverse, deep into the subject or completely out of it – understanding how users feel is the core of building not just functional, but great products
  • Managers are there to overwatch and lead projects but if they don’t dive into the reasoning behind decisions then the correct voices won’t being heard
  • The client may have a view, an opinion – but long gone is the ideology of “the client is always right”. Understanding that the views of the many outweigh the one could not be truer than now. Studies show that moving forward by compartmentalisation and compromise improve project results in a positive direction.

UX is the asset during analysis to gather abundant information and correctly spread it out to all players involved. With over 11 years in the field let’s talk about how to speak “UX” and bring it into mainstream digital culture!

Expert : Avneesh Raizada (Devoteam).

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